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Rogan Agencies is a team of insurance experts who work tirelessly to provide the best quality agent support to our members.

Here at Rogan Agencies we operate on a traditional philosophy that person-to-person interaction builds a strong binding relationship. One way we accomplish lasting relationships is we listen to our members' perspectives and connect to their reality while coordinating their insurance and financial needs. Before we even hear any one member's perspective, they should know that we have their best interest at heart; and they soon learn that, based on our mission, we are professional, consistent, and reliable; and that we only operate on the basis of trust and confidentiality.

We put our members first. In everything we do we consider our members' lifestyles and assist members with securing affordable lifestyle choices. We accomplish this with a team of friendly, licensed agents who operate as qualified Benefits Coordinators, and who are expert consultants to our members. Our licensed agents are independent contractors hand-picked because of integrity, their level of exceptional professionalism, and eagerness to excel in their profession.

We have an open-door policy to entrepreneurship. We support it wholeheartedly, and from it we derive innovative strategies and ideas that better serve our members and communities. In this entrepreneurship environment, we build and support teams of agents who are positive thinkers and workers dedicated to helping other families like their own. Because our agents' professional growth and knowledge training is a crucial part of the superior service to our members, Rogan Agencies assists our team of agents to build comfortable work situations for themselves. A comfortable work situation applies to flexible work schedules that allow for more time with family, as well as professional development through powerful, credited programs and resources.

In addition to coordinating life insurance benefits and securing financial goals, we also have a team of agents who are licensed to assist members in the areas of home and auto, home security, and legal support.



